Browse Items (3 total)
- Tags: Taylor Holmes Productions (company)
Very Idea, The
Tags: 1920 (release year)| 505| Badaracco, Jacob A. (camera operator)| Clarke, Betty Ross (cast member)| Cooper, George (cast member)| Holmes (Taylor) Productions (company)| Holmes, Taylor (cast member)| Le Baron, Wm. (source author)| Lester, Edward (cast member)| Levering, Jack (cast member)| Marbe, Fay (cast member)| Martindel, Edward (cast member)| Metro| Metro (company)| Robb, Jean (cast member)| Taylor Holmes Productions (company)| Taylor, S. E. V. (scenarist)| Valli, Virginia (cast member)| Windom, Lawrence (director)
Nothing But the Truth
Tags: 1920 (release year)| 337| Badaracco, Jacob (camera operator)| Campbell, Colin (cast member)| Carroll, Marcelle (cast member)| Craig, Charles (cast member)| Franklyn, Beth (cast member)| Garrison, Elizabeth (cast member)| Hendricks, Ben (cast member)| Holmes (Taylor) Productions (company)| Holmes, Taylor (cast member)| Isham, Frederick S. (source author)| Kirkland, David (director)| Kirkland, David (scenarist)| Mackaye, Elsie (cast member)| Metro| Metro (company)| Montgomery, James (source author)| Phillips, Dan (cast member)| Reed, Katherine Speer (scenarist)| Sparks, Ned A. (cast member)| Steele, Radcliffe (cast member)| Taylor Holmes Productions (company)
Nothing But Lies
Tags: 1920 (release year)| 337| Badaracco, Jacob (camera operator)| Hoffman, Aaron (source author)| Holmes (Taylor) Productions (company)| Holmes, Rapley (cast member)| Holmes, Taylor (cast member)| Johnstone, Justine (cast member)| Junior, John (cast member)| McGowan, Jack (cast member)| Metro| Metro (company)| Mitchell, Dodson (cast member)| O'Brien, Gypsy (cast member)| Taylor Holmes Productions (company)| Taylor, S. E. V. (scenarist)| Wallack, Ann (cast member)| Windom, Lawrence C. (director)